May worldpeace be
May all unconscious guilt be dissolved
In peace without a limit
May we see the world anew
Freed from the inner clouds of fear, guilt, sadness, anger, hate, shame and jealousy
May we see the world freed from our inner clouds
That cast their shadows upon it
May all dark clouds of despair and sorrow be lifted now!
May all be forgiven completely
May we all remember
The light that shines in all of our hearts
May we all come to recognize each other fully
As this light that is our deepest self
May the world reflect this light shining from our essence
So that all will experience it as enchanting
Such an enchanting world

How loving and peaceful the world can be
May we all allow this in our experience now
We have nothing to lose by doing this
May the veils be lifted
May the dark, disguises be put aside
May the masks of meaninglessness be laid down
To disappear in green fields filled with white iridescent glowing lilies
May our blazing inner light now be seen
May it shine into the world
May worldpeace be!

Copyright © Marlon Wong-Sioe 2021

Voor meer gedichten kun je ‘Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur’ bestellen! Ook in het boek ‘Een spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven’ staan inspirerende gedichten. Beide boeken zijn gemakkelijk verkrijgbaar!