Schrijver van 'Een Spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven' en 'Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur'.

Tag prayer worldpeace

Worldpeace: peaceful contributions

May worldpeace now be

May all people realize that ‘worldpeace’ is not a futile idea

It is a real option

One we can achieve through receiving peaceful inspiration and acting from this inspiration

Being willing to let go fear, guilt, shame, sadness, anger and hate

May we all find this loving inspiration

That will help us to create a peaceful world

May we all inspire each other in our peaceful

Worldpeace: harmonious earth!

May world peace now be
May the full possibility of worldpeace now be considered
May all see the full range of possibilities
There are to create worldpeace every moment
May we live each day with these possibilities in our minds
May we see them
More and more
As real options for humankind
May we consider the personal possibilities we have
To create worldpeace
May we consider the option
That everyday

Worldpeace: may it be

May worldpeace be
May all unconscious guilt be dissolved
In peace without a limit
May we see the world anew
Freed from the inner clouds of fear, guilt, sadness, anger, hate, shame and jealousy
May we see the world freed from our inner clouds
That cast their shadows upon it
May all dark clouds of despair and sorrow be lifted now!
May all be forgiven completely
May we all remember

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