May the Light shine
And may peace be felt
In all the dynamics of our lives
On this planet that dances through the cosmos
That dances too
In sadness and happiness
From sadness to happiness
Until it goes beyond that
Until the dream is over
And all shall experience again
Completely and eternally
The Love of Home
We never truly left
Copyright © Marlon Wong-Sioe 2023
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Dear angels
Would you help me please
To free the light inside me
To free the light in everyone
The peace
Harmonic energies
The love
Our rainbow colors
May all our joy be free
Just free
Just free
To keep forever shining
As it was meant to be
Please angels set it free
Please hover all around me
And everyone I love
Encircle whole the planet now
Help →
We’ll meet again
My sweet
My love
When this is finally over
The whole lunatic mindset
Is laid to rest
At last
Forgiven is the past
To free our sacred future
Forever in the now
We meet again somehow
For sure
Free of all grief
In light we’ll find relief
I do believe my lover
I’m sure without a doubt
Copyright © Marlon Wong-Sioe 2021
May worldpeace now be
May all people realize that ‘worldpeace’ is not a futile idea
It is a real option
One we can achieve through receiving peaceful inspiration and acting from this inspiration
Being willing to let go fear, guilt, shame, sadness, anger and hate
May we all find this loving inspiration
That will help us to create a peaceful world
May we all inspire each other in our peaceful →
We’ve build here a community
Among the glowing lilies
The lilies of forgiveness
Beneath the endless sky
Crystalline ever clear
Of perfect peace aware
A bit more everyday
For harmony we pray
For joy
Forever lasting
The Light that is our Self
No longer is obstructed
Not hidden from our sight
No longer
It’s reduced
Inside some fear constructed
As fear collapses
Runs free
All through our field
And →
We are together now
This eve
This Halloween
With brothers, and with sisters
Our angels, fairies, ancestors
Our demons are transformed
This eve
All Hallows Even
With veils finally lifted
Dancing in peace with ease
Our fears we all release
Brought finally to the surface
Erased inside the light
This eve
Into the night
So hallowed
So sweet
So hallowed
When you hear ‘trick or treat’
Give →
You died and you went formless
You went into the formless
Became the formless
The formless you became
And tell me
What but this?
This formless
It is endless
Is but the formless
Just formless
You became
This Love
But Love is formless
Is endless
Just formless
Your ego died
Just formless
The formless
You became
Copyright © Marlon Wong-Sioe 2021
May world peace now be
May the full possibility of worldpeace now be considered
May all see the full range of possibilities
There are to create worldpeace every moment
May we live each day with these possibilities in our minds
May we see them
More and more
As real options for humankind
May we consider the personal possibilities we have
To create worldpeace
May we consider the option
That everyday →
They do not mention other ways
Prefer to dwell on darkness
They do not mention other ways
Despising their own light
Won’t tell about other options
Say: grim the expectations
Unless we do cling solely
To superficial fix
Can it be called a fix?
They do not mention other ways
Drag others into darkness
They do not mention other ways
Not seeing their own light
Won’t tell about other options →
May worldpeace be
May all unconscious guilt be dissolved
In peace without a limit
May we see the world anew
Freed from the inner clouds of fear, guilt, sadness, anger, hate, shame and jealousy
May we see the world freed from our inner clouds
That cast their shadows upon it
May all dark clouds of despair and sorrow be lifted now!
May all be forgiven completely
May we all remember →
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