Schrijver van 'Een Spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven' en 'Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur'.

Categorie The Angelic 11 Series

Fairy of love

“As an elegant magical fairy of love enters this world and brings its blessings in the form of beautiful roses, let’s say thanks. It is doing its best to restore nature, it is doing its best to restore this world, our home. Let’s help it as good as we can. Maybe by becoming vegetarian, or by donating to an organisation like Greenpeace.”

Marlon Wong Sioe

Angel of Hope

“Behold the angel op hope. This angel wants to let us know that there is always hope, because beyond all appearances there is always an everlasting immortal love, which is the essence of our being. There is always the opportunity for this love to shine through into this world. We can always choose to allow this love, maybe to allow it a bit more. This angel also lets us know

Angel of healing that gladly listenes to people

“This angel of healing gladly sits down to listen to what people have to say. You may share all your concerns with it. It will, with your permission, do everything that it can to better your situation.”

Marlon Wong Sioe

The Golden Angels

“May the golden angels bless everyones life. May they bring, peace, love and happiness.”

Marlon Wong Sioe

The descent of the angels

“Watch the loving angels decent. May they bring peace, and love, and happiness to all!”

Marlon Wong Sioe

The Majestic Archangel Metatron

Feel the true majestic power of this Majestic Archangel. Let it touch you to release your Great Inner Light! A New Ara has come for all humanity, once everyone allows his/her self to be touched by this lovely and peaceful Divine Angel.

Let it’s radiance be and allow yourself to resonate with it. Be in the pure exhilarating and powerful glow of this great Being. Yours is the choice to

Angel of Protective Love

Feel the peace and warmth of this Angel of Protective Love, if you please. Let it wrap its wings around you and cuddle you so that you don’t feel alone anymore. Let it lift you beyond fear and doubt. Holding your hand it stands guard for you. Let its shield of light and love surround you. This angel works perfectly together with the Powerful Archangel Michael. It is part of

The Powerful Archangel Michael

See the shining and radiant strength of this amazing Archangel full of Love. Clearly the peaceful and strong Angel of Protection helps with its Light to keep all darkness at bay! On its back Michael carries a sword of light to cleave all illusions of darkness to let them disappear into the nothingness from where they came!

Call on this angel without hesitation if you feel like darkness is surrounding

The Bright Archangel Gabriel

Hear the Bright Archangel Gabriel playing sweet and victorious notes on the trumpet it holds in his/her hands! The great Archangel heralds a truly New Era of love and peace for all by helping us all to communicate and express ourselves with clarity, strength and true love!

If you like the soft pastel drawing you will probably also like the book ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier-

The Soothing Archangel Raphael

The Soothing Archangel Raphael is shining its healing light to all who are open to it. He/she is willing to help everyone who asks for it. Softly the Archangel gives his/her impulses to stimulate healthy actions in the direction of a greater health. Step by step he/she is leading people to a greater harmony! The Archangel asks us to be open and be willing to play an active role in

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