May worldpeace be now
May all nations come together in peace
May they help each other in overcoming their challenges
Thus lifting each other up
May the whole world be set upon a path of great healing
A path of great hope
May we spiral up to the sky
Instead of keeping ourselves running around in meaningless circles
May we embark on a quest for true meaning
That always lights up the sky
For all people everywhere
May this happen now
May all recognize this opportunity for worldpeace
May we set aside our disbelief
Even if it is just for a short while
And may peace touch our hearts
Freeing the hidden spark of peace that lies therein
May it burn
May it burn so that fear, guilt and hate disappear
May world peace rise from the bottom of our peaceful hearts
In front of our eyes
May we witness the coming of an awesome and fantastic new world of sister- and brotherhood
Of freedom, health and justice for all!
Copyright © Marlon Wong-Sioe 2020
Spreekt het gedicht je aan? In mijn boek ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving’ staan ook een paar gedichten. Het boek is hier te bestellen.
Marlon Wong-Sioe studeerde hbo Theologie en is schrijver van het boek: ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven’
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