May True Love kiss you first
Before the kiss of death
It binds you to the world
In fear and pain, distress
May True Love kiss you first
Before the kiss of death
Before the dark deceiver
Comes knocking on your door
From now on don’t believe it
Although it comes again
Over, over again
Comes knocking on your door
Don’t sleep with it again
Again and then again
Each time it kisses you
It tightens your despair
Cause when it breaths into
Your neck it sickens you
It blinds you to the Truth
Each time you go to bed
Each single night with fear
To share with it your sheets
For sure will keep you saddened
For sure keeps veiled the Light
So may True Love now kiss you
Awaken you from nightmares
May True Love find you first
May True Love kiss you first
By letting it in first
Lifted be from this mess
By letting it in only
The blinders fall away
By choosing True Love only
Lifted high in the Light
Freed from the darkening kisses
The wishes filled with hate
Untangled from all anger
Illusions made of guilt
And shame may melt away
And bring a brighter day
May True Love kiss you first
May dark dreams disappear
What’s left is everlasting
Clear sight
Heaven’s Light!
Copyright © Marlon Wong-Sioe 2019

Voor meer gedichten kun je ‘Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur’ bestellen! Ook in het boek ‘Een spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven’ staan inspirerende gedichten. Beide boeken en zijn gemakkelijk verkrijgbaar. Koop ze nu!
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