Schrijver van 'Een Spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven' en 'Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur'.

Tag love

A new world: it’s coming

“A new world is coming, when love is allowed. A new world is coming when gone is the cloud. Of fear, shame and anger, of guilt and despair. A new world is coming, it is in the air.”

“Marlon Wong Sioe”

City in the Crystalline Dimensions

“Welcome in the City in he Crystalline Dimensions. What a clarity and love the beings that live here have. They gained it through the practice of mindfulness, heartfulness and (self) reflection. It’s so amazing what they have achieved. The light of their loving essence shines crystal clear into their lives. Oh, such amazing beauty! These beings gladly help you to also shine forth also your light in a crystal clear

Blue with purple nebula

“May watching the night sky trigger a love from deep inside of you, bringing it forth, and may this love never cease to cause you wonder. May you know, it is who you and all of us truly are.”

Marlon Wong Sioe

Crystal City Of Briljant Mystery

Behold the Crystal City Of Briljant Mystery. The inhabitans of this city will surely treat you well, no matter how bad you may be considered. Why? Because they discovered the briljant mystery of life and have become firmly grounded in it. They have discovered Love unending. Having good discernment and healthy bounderies, all the inhabitants of this city love their neighbours as themselves. By doing this they show everyone the

Sunrise of the Heart

Take your time to watch the sunrise of the Heart. May it touch you, this emergence of love. Everytime you allow more of your love you contribute to the sunrise of the Heart.

Marlon Wong Sioe


Een vakantiefoto van even geleden met wat inspiratie. 😀

Magical moonlit lake

You might enjoy resting at the banks of this moonlit lake. Maybe you even want to take a swim in it, surrounded by beautiful glowing things, sparkles and enchanting blossoms. Get a sense of the mystery of live. Allow it to be revealed to you. It is love…love…love.

Marlon Wong Sioe

Fields of clear hope

Welcome in the fields of clear hope. Have you lost all hope? You’re welcome dear. Stay as long as you want. Although the atmosphere of itself here is hopegiving, you may also want to choose to pray for hope, peace and love for everyone! The fields of clear hope will become even more vast this way, still keeping all their beauty. May you, and everyone around you, be touched by

The outstretched fields of love and sweetness

Welcome in the outstretched fields of love and sweetness. Here love and sweetness are not restricted between four walls. They are present throughout all the fields for everyone who walks through them. All are welcome in these fields. People of all religions and no religion visit these fields to be transformed. Do you see that city in the distance? It is the city of love. The inhabitants of it live

Reizen, de toekomst en het eeuwige

Highspeed tunnelreizen, supersonische passagiersvliegtuigen, interstellaire reizen met duurzame ruimtevoertuigen…Toekomstige vormen van vervoer hebben me van jongs af aan al gefascineerd. Ik keek graag naar documentaires op Discovery Channel over nieuwe vormen van vervoer. Magnetisch aangedreven treinen die door vacuüm gezogen tunnels door de oceaan reizen met een snelheid van maar liefst 5000 k/m per uur. Nieuwe passagiersvliegtuigen die in ontwikkeling zijn en die we de komende decennia kunnen verwachten. Ik

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