Let Spiritual Evolution take place now. Allow it to happen and make efforts following your heart. Let your mind serve your heart. Embrace love. Practice dissolving all unloving thoughts and feelings in love. Make time to do this everyday. That is how spiritual evolution takes place. Step by step. Time after time…into eternity!
It’s ecologically sound, it’s socially responsible and rational, it’s inspiring and intuitive, it’s deeply joyful for all! It’s peaceful and about breathtaking love acknowledging and fulfilling your deepest desires! It is yours, to choose for. It’s what will create an united New Peaceful Humanity! Allow your loving uniqueness. Now is the time! It truly is! Are you with me?
If you like the soft pastel drawing you will probably also like the book ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven‘ by: Marlon Wong-Sioe.
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