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Bridge to the Real World

The spiritual psychological self study book A Course in Miracles talks about the real world. It is a world that reflects the Light of the true Self!

The Course lets us know that ‘The real world is attained simply by the complete forgiveness of the old, the world you see without forgiveness’. (Chapter 17.2)

It also says about the real world that ‘The bridge between that world and this is

The Majestic Archangel Metatron

Feel the true majestic power of this Majestic Archangel. Let it touch you to release your Great Inner Light! A New Ara has come for all humanity, once everyone allows his/her self to be touched by this lovely and peaceful Divine Angel.

Let it’s radiance be and allow yourself to resonate with it. Be in the pure exhilarating and powerful glow of this great Being. Yours is the choice to

The Powerful Archangel Michael

See the shining and radiant strength of this amazing Archangel full of Love. Clearly the peaceful and strong Angel of Protection helps with its Light to keep all darkness at bay! On its back Michael carries a sword of light to cleave all illusions of darkness to let them disappear into the nothingness from where they came!

Call on this angel without hesitation if you feel like darkness is surrounding

The Bright Archangel Gabriel

Hear the Bright Archangel Gabriel playing sweet and victorious notes on the trumpet it holds in his/her hands! The great Archangel heralds a truly New Era of love and peace for all by helping us all to communicate and express ourselves with clarity, strength and true love!

If you like the soft pastel drawing you will probably also like the book ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier-

The Soothing Archangel Raphael

The Soothing Archangel Raphael is shining its healing light to all who are open to it. He/she is willing to help everyone who asks for it. Softly the Archangel gives his/her impulses to stimulate healthy actions in the direction of a greater health. Step by step he/she is leading people to a greater harmony! The Archangel asks us to be open and be willing to play an active role in

The mysterious Archangel Raziel

The Archangel Raziel has its wings folded as a symbol that he/she keeps Gods secrets save. Yet in the wings of the angel one can see the endless night sky and the countless stars that light this velvet void.

If you like the soft pastel drawing you will probably also like the book ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven‘ by: Marlon

The Great Magnificent City

Welcome in the Great Magnificent City. Here you can find out what true magnificence is about.

Be here surrounded by ecstatic fields of green under a pure starlit indigo blue sky! Walk through the streets of this city that are glowing with love. Actually their glow is a reflection of the Love that the people who life here shine from their peaceful and joyful hearts. Please join them in their

The Peaceful City

Feel welcome in the Peaceful City in the fields and forest of calming alive energy. Stay here for a while or longer. Enjoy walking through nature under an often pink with orange colored sky!

If you like the painting you will probably also like the book ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven‘ by: Marlon Wong-Sioe.

The Embraced City

Welcome in the Embraced City. This beautiful city is made of some kind of indestructible porcelain. Some say that the material this city is made of is so hard but fine because of the Divine Love that feeds and embraces it everyday!

Feel welcome here. Experience how strength and tenderness can go well together. Be here who you truly Are in the Embrace of deep peaceful Divine Love and Peace!

The Crystalline Protected City

Feel welcome please in the Crystalline Protected City! Experience here deep inspiration of the Light! Feel how that inspiration forms a glowing shield that is holding off and shines away the mass consciousness of fear and negativity and in this way creates a beautiful and wonderful environment! Enjoy staying here.

If you like the painting you will probably also like the book ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-,

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