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Tag spiritual city

City of the Bright Future

“The Future is Bright, but when we hold on to fear, guilt and anger because of what we experienced in the past, we block the Brightness of the Future, thus making our experience in the now much less pleasant. The people living in the city of the Bright Future are always willing to let go of their grievances so that the Brightness of the Future can be experienced in the

City of Cosmic Energy

How beautiful the City of Cosmic Energy shines. It shines, because of the love of the people inhabiting this city. It is a cosmic love. The people in this city all allow this love. Watch this city. See how it shines and you see, sparkles fly around it in the air.

“Marlon Wong Sioe”

City in the Crystalline Dimensions

“Welcome in the City in he Crystalline Dimensions. What a clarity and love the beings that live here have. They gained it through the practice of mindfulness, heartfulness and (self) reflection. It’s so amazing what they have achieved. The light of their loving essence shines crystal clear into their lives. Oh, such amazing beauty! These beings gladly help you to also shine forth also your light in a crystal clear

The light traveling city

“Welcom in the light traveling city! The people living in this city move their homes every now and then. But wherever they go, they are alway grounded in the light, in the love, that is the true essence of their being. The light, the love that is the essence of all our being. Everywhere these people go, they spread their faith in light and love by their kind actions. Everywhere

City near the Great Wave of Love

Welcome to the city near the Great Wave of Love. This Great Wave is created by thousands of people that went into the countryside releasing love by forgiveness. It is said that it won’t be long till it will flow through the whole city and its surroundings, making everything more alive and peaceful.

Marlon Wong Sioe

The outstretched fields of love and sweetness

Welcome in the outstretched fields of love and sweetness. Here love and sweetness are not restricted between four walls. They are present throughout all the fields for everyone who walks through them. All are welcome in these fields. People of all religions and no religion visit these fields to be transformed. Do you see that city in the distance? It is the city of love. The inhabitants of it live

City of Sweet Harmony

Welcome in the City of Sweet Harmony. The people here, being aware of what some may call the Great Unknown, live a life of sweet harmony. That is why this city is called the City of Sweet Harmony. What outsiders sometimes call the Great Unknown, is not unknown to the inhabitants of this city. They know that this ‘Unknown’ is loving Aliveness. It is pure peaceful Aliveness. It is the

The city with the pink castle

Welcome in the city with the pink castle. You can enjoy being here.

The pink castle lies under the turquoise skies and near the pink with golden fields. Not far from the city a cosmic river flows.

Caring for each other the people living in the pink city built a large castle to keep each other save. Yet everyone who holds love towards all creatures in it’s heart can freely

City near the white ocean mountain

Walking, standing, sitting or lying on this beautiful beach, you may want to look over the waters. In the distance you might see the city near the white ocean mountain. Sometimes it is also called the transparent city. You may think that this city is called that way because it’s buildings are transparent to physical light. It is not just that. The people who live there are transparent to the

City near the opalescent ocean

Some say, that once upon a time, standing in the high grass, one could see a great city on a island in the distance. Those times, it is said, every now and then the mermaids and -men colored the ocean purple and when the moon was shining on it, it gave it an opalescent glow more beautiful than you could see anywhere else. Therefore the city was often called the

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