“As an elegant magical fairy of love enters this world and brings its blessings in the form of beautiful roses, let’s say thanks. It is doing its best to restore nature, it is doing its best to restore this world, our home. Let’s help it as good as we can. Maybe by becoming vegetarian, or by donating to an organisation like Greenpeace.”
Marlon Wong Sioe
“Welcom in the light traveling city! The people living in this city move their homes every now and then. But wherever they go, they are alway grounded in the light, in the love, that is the true essence of their being. The light, the love that is the essence of all our being. Everywhere these people go, they spread their faith in light and love by their kind actions. Everywhere →
“May watching the night sky trigger a love from deep inside of you, bringing it forth, and may this love never cease to cause you wonder. May you know, it is who you and all of us truly are.”
Marlon Wong Sioe
Het is tijd voor een nieuwe dageraad. Het Licht mag komen om nooit meer te verdwijnen. Wat we nodig hebben, is een overgang van duister naar Licht. Van angst naar Liefde.
We dienen het diep verankerde geloof in zonde op te geven. Het idee dat mensen fouten maken die nooit meer goed te maken zijn. Wanneer we dit geloven nagelen we degene over wie we dit geloven aan het kruis. →
“Watch the loving angels decent. May they bring peace, and love, and happiness to all!”
Marlon Wong Sioe
Welcome to the city near the Great Wave of Love. This Great Wave is created by thousands of people that went into the countryside releasing love by forgiveness. It is said that it won’t be long till it will flow through the whole city and its surroundings, making everything more alive and peaceful.
Marlon Wong Sioe
“Take a look at the majestic nightsky. Enjoy the stars shining in the many shades of blue.”
Marlon Wong Sioe
Witness the Fountain of Life. It is the Fountain of Love. What is life without Love? Love is true Life! Drink if you want of the fountain of Love, sometimes also called the Fountain of Forgiveness. Drinking from it’s waters helps you to forgive, becoming more aware of the Love that is within you. The Fountain of Life is within you. The Fountain of Love is within you. It is →
You might enjoy resting at the banks of this moonlit lake. Maybe you even want to take a swim in it, surrounded by beautiful glowing things, sparkles and enchanting blossoms. Get a sense of the mystery of live. Allow it to be revealed to you. It is love…love…love.
Marlon Wong Sioe
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