Schrijver van 'Een Spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven' en 'Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur'.

Tag marlon spiritual

The city with the pink castle

Welcome in the city with the pink castle. You can enjoy being here.

The pink castle lies under the turquoise skies and near the pink with golden fields. Not far from the city a cosmic river flows.

Caring for each other the people living in the pink city built a large castle to keep each other save. Yet everyone who holds love towards all creatures in it’s heart can freely

Worldpeace: into blissful eternity

May there be worldpeace now
May heavenly angels descent
And ignite the spark of peace in every ones heart
May they help us
Every second of the day
To let it grow brighter and brighter
May we all be open for his opportunity
Even if it is just for one single moment
Just to try it out
May we all be touched in this single moment
May we give in

Outside my tiny window

Right outside
My tiny window
Milky stars across the sky
Right there
Beyond my tiny window
Silver stars
Beyond all scars
And wounds of
Bitter wars
The endless
Silky night
The sky
Of peace
So unacknowledged
But why?
They do not see?
This hopeful bliss
The thing
Secretly miss
They do not see
Cause they don’t look
They do not know
Heavenly glow

City beneath the blue moon

Welcome to the city beneath the blue moon. Here the people open up to the sacred mystery of life which is Love. Feel the enchanting beauty of this island on which this city is located. Feel blessed in holy peace!

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