Schrijver van 'Een Spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven' en 'Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur'.

Tag spiritual city series

City near the white ocean mountain

Walking, standing, sitting or lying on this beautiful beach, you may want to look over the waters. In the distance you might see the city near the white ocean mountain. Sometimes it is also called the transparent city. You may think that this city is called that way because it’s buildings are transparent to physical light. It is not just that. The people who live there are transparent to the

City beneath the blue moon

Welcome to the city beneath the blue moon. Here the people open up to the sacred mystery of life which is Love. Feel the enchanting beauty of this island on which this city is located. Feel blessed in holy peace!

Copyright © Marlon Wong-Sioe 2021

City of Cosmic Ecstasy

“Please feel welcome in the City of Cosmic Ecstasy. Release here you burdens and let them dissolve. Dissolving into the Light. Dissolving into the Love. Dissolving into the Void…of Pure Aliveness. Be here…in this moment…in this Eternity…of never ending Bliss! Together as One!”

Marlon Wong Sioe

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