Schrijver van 'Een Spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven' en 'Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur'.

Tag heavenly landscape series

Blue with purple nebula

“May watching the night sky trigger a love from deep inside of you, bringing it forth, and may this love never cease to cause you wonder. May you know, it is who you and all of us truly are.”

Marlon Wong Sioe

Cave with a view

Cave with a view on a bright landscape.

Marlon Wong Sioe

The Cosmic Phoenix

May the Cosmic Love aid you to leave behind what no longer serves the well-being of you and those around you. May it peacefully burn in it’s fires and may you, made anew, rise like a cosmic phoenix in peace and splendor lightening up the sky and the whole planet. May it be bright in the beauty of your everlasting Soul, shining like the sun.

Marlon Wong Sioe

The mystical island

Welcome to the mystical island. Here the mysteries of ages are being thought. As the mist around the true Self is lifted everything becomes clear. No more fears or worries, but just peace. As humanity as a collective lifts the mists around its Self more and more, we witness the dawning a a new Era on earth of peace and beauty for everyone.

Marlon Wong Sioe

Fields of clear hope

Welcome in the fields of clear hope. Have you lost all hope? You’re welcome dear. Stay as long as you want. Although the atmosphere of itself here is hopegiving, you may also want to choose to pray for hope, peace and love for everyone! The fields of clear hope will become even more vast this way, still keeping all their beauty. May you, and everyone around you, be touched by

Painting: Flower of life above the sea

Een vriend zei onlangs tegen met dat hij de laatste tijd weinig schilderijen voorbij zag komen. Bij deze weer eens een schilderij. 😀

The peaceful paradise

“Enjoy the peace here! The rocks covered with soft moss. The gently flowing water and the trees. Breathe in the fresh air! Feel the magic also residing in you!”

Marlon Wong Sioe

When it’s autumn again

“When the leafs fall again, enjoy the beautiful colors. The colors of the earth are revealed now. See the soft leafs upon the ground. Lying there like a blanket. The leafs will dissolve and sink into the ground. The earth will be in sort of a sleep for a while. And then in spring, it will wake up again.

Nothing beautiful ever goes to waste. On a deeper level of

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