Schrijver van 'Een Spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven' en 'Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur'.

Tag art spiritual

City of the Bright Future

“The Future is Bright, but when we hold on to fear, guilt and anger because of what we experienced in the past, we block the Brightness of the Future, thus making our experience in the now much less pleasant. The people living in the city of the Bright Future are always willing to let go of their grievances so that the Brightness of the Future can be experienced in the

The Pink City in the Hills

“Oh, so deep the love the people living in this city have achieved by allowing the love that they in essence are and their willingness to let go of everything that is not in accordance with this love. What a beauty, the love these people feel, unconditionally. No matter whether people in this city feel attracted to men, women or both. They are loved. How magical, how miraculous! You are

City in the Crystalline Dimensions

“Welcome in the City in he Crystalline Dimensions. What a clarity and love the beings that live here have. They gained it through the practice of mindfulness, heartfulness and (self) reflection. It’s so amazing what they have achieved. The light of their loving essence shines crystal clear into their lives. Oh, such amazing beauty! These beings gladly help you to also shine forth also your light in a crystal clear

Beholding a galaxy!

“This guy on the picture is beholding a great galaxy that is becoming clear by the parting of a great nebula. With his feet firmly in the grass and surrounded by a few steady rocks, he is enjoying the beautiful view!”

Marlon Wong-Sioe

Marlon Wong-Sioe studeerde hbo Theologie en is schrijver van het boek ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven’en de dichtbundel 

City at the Galactic Highway

Welcome in the City at the Galactic Road or Highway! The darkness you see here may frighten you, but actually it is the loving Unknown which forms a highway to other dimensions of light. Each speck of light you see in it, is a focus of consciousness travelling to other experiences of untold beauty and peace. No physical death is necessary to ride this Galactic Highway. It is just focusing

City under the cosmic waterfall

“Welcome to the city under the cosmic waterfall! If you want to, let the cosmic waters of love and forgiveness cleanse your mind. May it become shining and radiant again!”

Marlon Wong Sioe

If you like the painting you might also like the book ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven‘ by: Marlon Wong Sioe.

Cosmic Flow

Experience the cosmic flow of the universe. Flow, flow, flow. Let your love flow. Through the whole universe and beyond it!

Marlon Wong-Sioe

If you like the painting you might also like the book ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven‘ by: Marlon Wong-Sioe.

The Cosmic Transformer

If you like the painting you might also like the book: Een spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven.

City of Cosmic advancement

Welcome in the city of cosmic advancement. Experience here the advancement that is made by deep spiritual practice, shifting from perceiving with fear to perceiving with love. Sometimes this advancement may not immediately be visible for the naked eye but like A Course in Miracles says a miracle can ‘produce undreamed of changes in situations of which you are not even aware’ (ACIM T1.45)

Marlon Wong-Sioe

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