Schrijver van 'Een Spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven' en 'Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur'.

Categorie The Heavenly Landscape Series

Enchanting Winter Lake

As the stars are shining and a layer of snow covers the grass, rocks and trees something is glowing inside this great lake. Some say the lake is crowded with mermaids and -men. Wouldn’t you like to sit at the banks of the Enchanting Winter Lake enjoying the beauty?

Copyright © Marlon Wong-Sioe 2021

Als deze tekst je aanspreekt, dan zal mijn boek ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving’ je wellicht

Dragon Series

In eastern traditions dragons are seen as symbols of vitality, strength and good luck. Since I was just a few years on this planet, I’ve had a fascination with dragons and therefore I decided to do a dragon series. Since dragons are often seen as spiritual beings and I depicted them in beautiful nature, I decided to put this dragon series in the ‘Heavenly Landscape Series’ area of the website.

The peaceful paradise

“Enjoy the peace here! The rocks covered with soft moss. The gently flowing water and the trees. Breathe in the fresh air! Feel the magic also residing in you!”

Marlon Wong Sioe

Wild sea with sky

“The sea was wild, and dark the sky. But yet there was a glow. The water lit up under stars, mysterious a flow. And something looking like a cloud, what is it in the night? So calm the sea, so wild the sea, of love forever mild.”

Copyright ©  Marlon Wong Sioe 2021

Als dit gedicht je aanspreekt, dan zal dichtbundel Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid

Green fields of Joy

“Do you also love it to take a walk through the green fields of emerald? You can do so. Enjoy! Let us come together. May the golden Light descend. May all our loving prayers be answered! May we all be refreshed by love and peace!”

Marlon Wong Sioe

Beholding a galaxy!

“This guy on the picture is beholding a great galaxy that is becoming clear by the parting of a great nebula. With his feet firmly in the grass and surrounded by a few steady rocks, he is enjoying the beautiful view!”

Marlon Wong-Sioe

Marlon Wong-Sioe studeerde hbo Theologie en is schrijver van het boek ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven’en de dichtbundel 

Jungle with fiery colors

“Enjoy the beauty of a yellow sun shining its light on a river flowing through a orange and red colored jungle!”

Marlon Wong Sioe

Marlon Wong-Sioe studeerde hbo Theologie en is schrijver van het boek ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven’en de dichtbundel ‘Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur.’

When it’s autumn again

“When the leafs fall again, enjoy the beautiful colors. The colors of the earth are revealed now. See the soft leafs upon the ground. Lying there like a blanket. The leafs will dissolve and sink into the ground. The earth will be in sort of a sleep for a while. And then in spring, it will wake up again.

Nothing beautiful ever goes to waste. On a deeper level of

The transformation!

It is time to transform society. From a society of fear, guilt, anger, shame, hate and crawling to a society of peace, love, understanding and flying. Time to look deep within ourselves. Time to meditate find more peace and answers. Time to acknowledge what we see and surrender it to the Inner Light. We can do it. Together we will create a beautiful society!

Copyright © Marlon Wong Sioe 2020

Cosmic Flow

Experience the cosmic flow of the universe. Flow, flow, flow. Let your love flow. Through the whole universe and beyond it!

Marlon Wong-Sioe

If you like the painting you might also like the book ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven‘ by: Marlon Wong-Sioe.

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