Schrijver van 'Een Spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven' en 'Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur'.

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City of the Magnificent Arc

Welcome dear one in the City of the Magnificent Arc. Feel the peaceful and solid strength of this city, surrounded by peaceful fields under a majestic sky.

It is said that the arc of the city is symbolic for the peaceful protection that covers the whole ancient fort. Feel save here. There is place to rest for everyone who wants to. It is a place of comport for really anyone

City of Golden Promise

Feel welcome please in the City of Golden Promise, a golden promise to everyone! Experience here the fulfillment of this promise of Peace and Love and Joy for all of humanity and every other creature on this planet and beyond. Feel uplifted to finally disappear inside Love without a limit. Be fulfilled in the Heart of the Divine!

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City of Strong Elegance

Feel welcome in the city of Strong Elegance. Experience here the often hidden strong elegance of true Love. Be like a star in a beautiful indigo sky and feel alive.

Velvet is the lovely night that sets the sky on fire! May it peacefully burn. Love will ever last. Peace is everlasting!

If you like the painting you will probably also like the book ‘Een Spirituele Samenleving: een gids

City of Romantic Love

Be welcome in this City of Romantic Love. Find here a romantic lover that fits you, one for life if you want to! Experience the Cosmic Love pervading the air filling it with sweet and loving aliveness!

Let your romantic love (gay or straight) merge with this Cosmic Love to make your romantic relationship a blessing for everyone in the whole wide world!

If you like the painting you will

City of Glowing Emerald

Love and peace abide in the City of Glowing Emerald. Feel welcome please here in this city of deep healing for everyone, without any exception!

Take a bath in one of the many spas, receive a healing in one of the healing rooms or just feel inspired walking through one of the many gardens in the city. Sit in the grass under a tree and be healed in a simple

City of Justice

Feel welcome in the City of Justice. In this City the Higher Court speaks just. Without denying the deeds of people, this court always acknowledges the deeper Innocence of people and thereby their right to be treated in a humane way! Be refreshed in this beautiful and mighty city! Learn what correction is really about. Experience gentle peace and true strength!

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My friend of the Light

Come here my love my lover
My dear friend of the Light
Come join me in the effort
To wipe away each tear
Of sadness and of fear
And let the Light arise
Let’s put away disquiets
Of silliness and lies
We know that Love is near
When we let go each fear
My friend, my love, my lover
Remember God is here

Copyright © Marlon Wong-Sioe 2019

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Endless reservoir of Love: flow for worldpeace

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May there be worldpeace now
May we all find the reservoir of endless love
Within our hearts
Within our Souls
May we center in it
Deeper and deeper
Deeper yet much deeper
Sinking in it deeper
Feeling it in all our thoughts
In our emotions
In our body
May we feel it in every cell of our body
May it feel tangible
More and more
Sinking in this Love

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