Schrijver van 'Een Spirituele samenleving: een gids om mens-, dier- en milieuvriendelijk samen te leven' en 'Velden van Smaragd: gedichten geïnspireerd op de betoverende schoonheid van de natuur'.

Tag new world

City near the Great Wave of Love

Welcome to the city near the Great Wave of Love. This Great Wave is created by thousands of people that went into the countryside releasing love by forgiveness. It is said that it won’t be long till it will flow through the whole city and its surroundings, making everything more alive and peaceful.

Marlon Wong Sioe

View from a new world

“The world has been made anew. Allowing all the colors of the Soul, mankind was able to totally remake this world. The earth now is a reflection of Heavens beauty. It will not be long now, till only the experience of Heaven is left.”

Marlon Wong Sioe

The fields of trembling hope and aliveness

Standing in the fields of trembling hope and aliveness, there is such an excitement that a new world is possible. The energy of a new earth can already be felt here. May peace and aliveness increase. May the winds of change blow and give everyone loving inspiration. Have faith, a new world is being born. Allow it to happen, and take action where necessary. Do your part!

Marlon Wong Sioe

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